My Blog Tweaks | 私のブログで行っている微調整をまとめてみた
Intro This blog uses Hugo , a static site generator, and the theme is PaperMod . I use GitHub Pages for the hosting service. For the sake of notes and introduction, I write down some of the tweaks I made. At first, the motto was KISS, but the tweaking became bloated before long. The code became bloated, but the output was designed to be lightweight. (No unnecessary CSS loading, etc.). This blog is designed to look correct even if JavaScript is disabled. ( for privacy nerds like me :) ) Also, all scripts are downloaded by Makefile and no CDN is used. The repository for this blog is . Thanks and Open Source License: Shortcodes Alert Our very own Aditya thinks that a monochrome theme is appropriate for PaperMod, so I followed his lead. The Tabler Icon is...